Sunday, 12 February 2012

Loose Ends

In the process of going through the stash yesterday and today, I found a few incomplete projects that have been languishing for a while. I feel I really should get cracking on a few of those things and get them out of my hair - or at least to the next stage.

Tucked in between the skeins in my handspun/natural-dyed stash, there were 5 skeins of yarn which I spun into singles, dyed, and never got around to plying. Whether that was because I hadn't decided on what I was plying them with, I don't remember. However, there's the Chesterville spin-in this week, and I think I will bring these in addition to whatever's left of the pastel/grey mix stuff, and see if I can't get them plied.

In a bag under some crochet cotton and Briggs and Little yarn, I found a bag of quilt pieces. I dyed the fabric, and Mom and I started the quilt probably, oh, 4-5 years ago. And then she took up weaving and bobbin lace, and I got into Rav, and next thing you know, the quilt got pushed aside. Maybe I can finish piecing the top this year.

And in a basket, I found my first sweater. It never fit very well (besides looking like nothing so much as a calico cat, the way the colors went), and at the time, back when I was in high school, I didn't know enough about how to mess with gauge and patterns to correct it. I think I wore it all of twice before it got pushed to the back of a drawer. I had found it a while back, and figured I might as well frog it and re-use the yarn, at least. Not sure what it'll be, eventually. There won't be enough to remake a good sweater, but maybe accessories. I may even knit a swatch and see whether it felts decently.

I tackled the sweater this afternoon. Two sleeves already ripped, and I'm undoing the body seams. Feels good to be finishing some of these little things.

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